Saturday, April 9, 2011

Recap of Coffee/Jazz Mixer on April 9, 2011

The Coffee/Jazz Mixer was a success! We were able to share the joys of Organo Gold with people that are now interested in either the products, the business or both! We heard testimonies from a woman that had suffered from severe arthritis, whose pain was relieved after using the Organo Gold capsules, and from a woman at the mixer whose headache disappeared after just one cup of the Organo Gold Green Tea.  These products provide real results!

Also, we discussed the incredible business opportunities available for all lifestyles.  Because Organo Gold is a product that practically sells itself, it's possible, even easy, to participate in the business while attending school or working full time! With opportunities available through the Organo Gold products combined with the amazing health benefits that people have received through the products, who wouldn't want to get involved?

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